I just read Psalm 58. Psalms like these are tricky. When I see the fervor with which vengeance is desired and that the righteous “will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked,” I recoil on the one hand. On the other, in that place in my heart that I generally shove away and…
Articles from: 2018
What God Does is Good
I will give Thee thanks forever, because Thou hast done it, And I will wait on Your name, for it is good. (Psalm 52:9 NASB) I know You have done this, brought us this far. Brought us to this place. So much is good. So much amazes and thrills me. Yet so much is a…
When Bad Things Happen
In this world I will have tribulation. I know that. But You tell me to take courage and be of good cheer since You have overcome the world. (John 16:33) There are times You lead me into difficult circumstances, challenges that build my character, experiences to grow me and train me to teach and encourage…
Give ear to my prayer…I am restless in my complaint and distracted. (Psalm 55:1,2 NASB) I am so desperate for an answer. I have prayed and prayed and thanked and rejoiced for little answers along the way. But the bigger picture eludes me. I’m still waiting. And the ups and downs are exhausting. Some days,…
The River of Delights
…the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings; You give them to drink of the river of Your delights; Let not the foot of pride come upon me. And let not the hand of the wicked drive me away. (Psalm 36:7b, 8b, 11 NASB) The God of all creation gives me…
Sustain Me
Sustain me with a willing spirit. (Psalm 51:12 NASB) I know You sustain me. I know this because I would not be here otherwise. You’ve sustained me through everything – good and bad. My problem seems to be with the willing spirit part. On the one hand, I’m the one who said, “Whatever it takes,…