Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; Break forth and sing for joy and sing praises (Psalm 98:4 NASB).
Shout joyfully and sing praises. It’s the same theme I keep seeing, and recording. The one that speaks to me every time, Lord.
I’m feeling like a broken record as I write. Actually, I suppose You’re the broken record telling me again and again. Shout joyfully and sing praises!
But it’s a good broken record. And it’s a broken record I need to hear.
It’s a broken record I need to sing along with.
I woke up again today feeling overwhelmed with all You’ve put on my plate. So much so that I wonder if maybe some of the stuff is not from you. Maybe I’ve committed to too much. But if I have, then I don’t know or see what I can give up. What could I possibly give up?
Listen to me, Jesus. I ‘m fretting and worrying before my day has even started. Nevermind. Don’t listen to me. Cut off my complaints.
And as I say that, I realize You have done that. Shout joyfully and sing praises.
You said that before I was made. Before my to-do list got so long that it would take me a week to finish what’s on a single day’s agenda. Before I woke up with a heavy sigh. Before I complained.
You gave me the answer.
Shout joyfully and sing praises.
I want to be a broken record of praise.
I want to be a broken record of joy.
Shout joyfully and sing praises.
All my days are in Your hands. All my lists, all my cares, all my needs are in Your hands.
Shout joyfully and sing praises!
That’s first, last, and everywhere in between on today’s to-do list.
Shout joyfully!
Sing praises!