A Prayer For More

I know in my mind that You’re here. You’re with me. Holy Spirit, You never leave.

But right now, as my thoughts go from this to that, from my to-do list to my feelings, from rejoicing to struggling to get through the day, where are You?

I know you’re here. To teach me, remind me, comfort me. But I’m so aware of the world around me, so focused on my responsibilities. It’s stuff You’ve put before me, roads You’ve led me on, but it’s all I see sometimes, this life on earth.

But I want to see You. I want to fellowship with You. I want to feel You holding my hand, holding me. I want to whisper together as we run and walk and fly and rest. I want to be one with You. I want to hear You, to feel You.

Pastoral scene with Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.

I want to know what You think, to know Your thoughts, not just mine. When I look at how I feel about something, I want to know how You feel. When I look at my day, I want to hear You talking over it with me. When I look at my responsibilities, the ones You’ve given or the ones I’ve taken on myself, I want You to sort it all out for me.

Pastoral scene with Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.

I want to rest in You. To hear You, to feel You, to know You. I want to navigate this world with You, the way You do. I want to know Your secrets and tell You mine.

This is my desire. This is my need.

It’s a small thing for You, the God of all creation. Isn’t it? And it’s everything to me.

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