Busy Seasons and Being With Jesus

…Take care, and be calm, have no fear and do not be fainthearted…(Isaiah 7:4).

I know this verse is taken out of context, but I’m not sure it matters here. The directive is timeless. And it applies to just about every situation imaginable for those who trust the Lord.

It certainly applies to me right now. There’s so much on my mind and so much going on. I’m having a hard time living in rest. I’m having a hard time letting go of all my thoughts and imaginations and resting in Christ.

I seek Jesus, I worship, I pray. I cast my cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7) and thank Him. And then all my cares and thoughts of daily life come flooding back, within seconds.

Isaiah 7:4 on lake surf background

Sometimes, often and usually, I don’t even make it through the worship and prayer before my concerns interrupt. After a few minutes of working them over, I realize they’ve distracted me again. Then I fight and claw back to seeking Jesus and casting my cares on Him.

Isaiah 7:4 on lakeshore background

I worry that somehow I’ve gotten off track. Those days and seasons of intense, focused fellowship seem distant. I’d like to be there again.

Christian blog title about Isaiah 7:4

But I’m not. I’m in a very different season. All the circumstances going on testify to that. Even in those former seasons as I fellowshipped with Jesus, He spoke to me that there were new things coming.

So here we are, Jesus and me. Me fighting to not live and look like the proverbial chicken with its head cut off. And Him telling me to take care and be calm. None of this is taking Him by surprise and He’s in control.

And He’s telling me not to fear. Life gets busy sometimes. That doesn’t take Him by surprise either, and He’s with me always, no matter the season.

And He says I shouldn’t be fainthearted. I admit, that’s a temptation. I could easily back down, shrink back, stop moving forward. Jesus would remain, yet I’d never experience everything He has for me.

He reminds me that all things are in His hands, and He has so much for me. He reminds me that I can do all things through Him and He’s going through it all with me.

Maybe it’s not a quiet season of intimate fellowship. Maybe my prayers are a little scattered.

But there is fellowship. And the prayers are still being prayed. God’s always in control. And He’s with me even now.

So I’ll say it again, the words He says to me: Take care, be calm, have no fear, and do not be fainthearted.

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