Chosen, Royal, Holy, God’s Very Own

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9).

A royal priesthood. It’s been on my mind since I mentioned it in a recent post. I am a royal priesthood.

1 Peter 2:9
1 Peter 2:9 Devotional
1 Peter 2:9

The priesthood was established by God as part of the nation of Israel. They ministered to God, praising and worshiping Him. They ministered to their brothers, the nation of Israel. They administered the sacrifice, remaining obedient to God, repenting, being washed clean, receiving reconciliation.

I am a royal priesthood. Like the nation of Israel, I praise and worship my God. I love my brothers and sisters as Christ loved me. I don’t administer the sacrifice; I am the sacrifice. I am a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). I lay down my life, remain obedient to Christ. I repent, am forgiven, washed clean, and reconciled.

But I’m not just a royal priesthood. I’m also a chosen race, a holy nation, and a people for God’s own possession.

Israel was chosen by God. Israel was set apart from all the nations around. And Christ has chosen me that I will bear fruit (John 15:16).

Israel was to be holy even as the Lord is holy (Leviticus 19:2). I am to be holy even as the Lord is holy (1 Peter 1:16).

Israel was God’s own possession and I am Christ’s own possession (Deuteronomy 14:2; Titus 2:14).

God set apart Israel and He has set apart me. They weren’t supposed to be like the idol-worshiping nations around them, just as I’m not supposed to look like the world around me.

Their identity was the One True God. My identity is Christ.

I am a chosen race. I am a royal priesthood. I am a holy nation. I am God’s own possession. That’s pretty amazing really.

It’s who I am, but only as I am in Him. He did it. He did the work. I am to rest (Hebrews 4:3). I worship Him.

Worship the Lord with gladness (Psalm 100). You are a royal priesthood, chosen, holy, God’s very own.

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