God Always Gives Us A Choice

You always give us a choice, don’t You, Lord?

From the beginning, You let us choose between trusting You, fearing You, obeying You and the opposite. We, as a race, chose to doubt You, to thumb our noses at You in pride, to disobey You.

But You never give up. You remain steadfast, calling us, loving us, being patient with us.

And to me, You invite me. “Turn in here, eat my food, drink the new wine. Forsake your past, your mistakes, your pride and walk, go forward, in the way of understanding.” (Proverbs 9:4-6)

Yet there’s another calling, enticing me. “Turn in here. Drink with me. The whole world can be yours. You can have all you want, your way. Indulge yourself, it’ll be our sweet secret.” (Proverbs 9:16-18)

It comes in little things, subtle ways, an angry word, a grudge held, a demand made.

I always have a choice. And the truth is, while the ways of the world bring me pleasure for a little while, in the end, they hurt. Relationships are destroyed, I embarrass myself, I’m ashamed. It’s not what I want, even though in the moment, I thought it was.

Nature picture with scripture Proverbs 9:10.

What I want, what I choose, is the way of wisdom. It’s the way of understanding, of life. Not the understanding of people, not the life of this world, but the understanding of God, the life of His kingdom.

Nature picture with scripture Proverbs 9:10.

This is my choice. I choose to trust the Almighty Creator. I choose to humble myself and fear the Living God. I choose to obey the Lover of my soul.

It’s You I want, Lord. Teach me and train me by Your Spirit. Let Your love be my law. Let me know You and be known by You.

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