God Has Brought Me Here

God is faithful. I know it. I preach it. I proclaim it.

I know He directs my steps, so I know He’s led me here, to this place, to this time.

I know that if He has led me, then He has a purpose. He has a good reason for bringing me to this spot I’m in. I can even guess at a portion of His reason. I can see a possible purpose in all this. A bit makes sense, but there remain plenty of questions.

I wonder a lot about why this way. Could He have taken me over there? Or maybe closed that door I walked through or opened another that was closed to me? He could’ve, but He didn’t.

He led me this way. He used these circumstances. So I’m right here, right now. I’m here with all my strengths and all my weaknesses. I’m here with all my limited experiences and wild rides.

And, while I’m a bit overwhelmed some days, and sometimes disappointed or frustrated, I choose to call it good.

Because God is good. And God works all things together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). And I’m called by Him. He speaks to me and leads me on paths of righteousness.

Romans 8:28 on a sunset background.

And God doesn’t make mistakes. Things may look a little questionable at times, but that’s my perspective. I’m sure from my kids’ perspectives, I do a few things that they would deem questionable. Things that are for their good, for their best.

Romans 8:28 on a sunset picture.

I know my God is faithful. No matter if I’m tired, lonely, confused, overwhelmed, happy, excited, full of joy, at peace, my God is faithful. He’s brought me to this place for a purpose. He leads me now. And He will continue to guide me through.

Romans 8:28 on a sunset background.

It’s a path I’m on right now. And the path will continue. The scenery will change, but my God never will.

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