God is Faithful

God is faithful. I know this. I know it well. Yet, I confess, sometimes it sounds like a shallow platitude. When someone is hurting from major distress or hurting from minor, constant pervasive trials, I wonder if my answer sounds pat, or too simple.

When I’m struggling with big or little problems, for the long haul or short, and I remind myself that God is faithful, is it enough?

God is faithful. It’s the truth.

Yet, I want answers. People want answers. I want a fix. I want it now. I want the practical. Saying, trusting, proclaiming that God is faithful leaves things in His hands. Yet, I want to take things into my own hands.

In all this, God is faithful. It may not go my way. It may not be the way I want things to work. But it doesn’t change who God is.

Deuteronomy 7:9 printed on a sunset scene
Deuteronomy 7:9 on a nature scene

We have the capacity to make choices. Sometimes we make good choices, sometimes bad. Sometimes for God, sometimes against. God is faithful.

Sometimes we see solutions to our problems, sometimes the solution is beyond us, and sometimes God says to wait. God is faithful.

Sometimes we walk by faith, sometimes by fear. God is faithful.

I want answers, I want a fix. I want the practical. I want to take things into my own hands. But my answer may be bad or wrong. My fix may be impossible. My solution may be grounded in fear.

God is faithful.

My answer may be good, my fix might work, my solution might be full of faith.

God is faithful.

More trials will come. I’ll want more answers. More solutions will present themselves. What worked before may or may not work this time.

God is faithful.

My answers, fixes, and solutions may work perfectly or may cause more trouble.

God is faithful.

My trials may be insurmountable, painful, impossible.

God is faithful.

In all things, at all times, God is faithful. He hasn’t changed. He doesn’t change.

Whether it’s thousands of years or three days, God is faithful.

He will never leave me nor forsake me whether I see a quick fix or walk a long, hard road. God is faithful.

Shallow or deep, God is faithful. My perspective or His, God is faithful.

And this is the answer. In all things, God is faithful. Whether or not I feel it, whether or not I like the circumstances or the way He’s working in them, whether or not I think it’s enough, God is faithful.

That’s it. That’s true.

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