He Gives Us What We Need

The Lord gives us what we need. He gives me what I need. He gives you what you need.

The Spirit of the Lord spoke to me to rest. He knew I needed it. Yet, I argued with Him.

I questioned Him. “Really, Lord? Is this from You?”

Even as He led me and directed me how to take the rest I needed, I fought it in my heart with all the cares of the world burdening me. I thought to myself and told the Lord that there are people counting on me, expecting things to go a certain way. There are my goals, my ways, things I want that won’t happen if I take this rest.

I didn’t do it.

Yet, my God stayed with me. He kept me. And He led me like a shepherd to green pasture.

By that time, I was so incredibly in need of rest that the fight in me succumbed.

“Yes, Lord.”

Snowy landscape with Matthew 11:28
Snowy Landscape with Bible Verse Matthew 11:28

And the relief trickled in. It wasn’t a flood. And as I checked with the Lord — “Are You sure about this?” — and He confirmed and called me to turn away from worry, I haltingly took His rest.

I wish I could have experienced an overwhelming flood, but where I was at, the trickle was its own miracle. And it gave me rest nonetheless.

He gave me what I needed, no matter how I received it.

And He gave me more than that. He gave me more of Himself, more for me to grow in.

I know He gives us what we need, not what we want. I wanted to keep going, to plow through in my own strength. And although my to-do list was all things He’s called me to, that didn’t negate my need for rest.

In fact, if my list if full of things He’s called me to, and He calls me to rest in their midst, then won’t He take care of all those things? They’re His, not mine. I’m His, not mine.

And if He’s given me what I need in this call to rest, then can I apply this to other parts of my life? Can I receive this truth that He gives me what I need, not what I want, in other areas of my life?

Is it possible that in places of my life where I’m disappointed, frustrated, dissatisfied, He’s actually given me what I need?

It might be just what I need to be drawn to Him, to be made more like Him, to ultimately be joyful, content in Him, relieved, satisfied.

God gives us what we need. He gives us rest. He gives us Him.

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