God is my rock. He remains solid and steadfast, firm and unchanging. He is God.
I may wake up in a good mood or bad mood, but He doesn’t change.
Some days, I hear Him with crystal clarity and some days I hear Him as if I’m under water. But He doesn’t change.
He is my rock. And He is faithful.
Today is a day He has given me. No matter my moods and feelings, no matter my circumstances. He has given me this day.
I will sing His praises because He is worthy of praise. I will sing a new song. He has delivered me from my sin. He has delivered me from my enemies. He has set my feet on a rock.
And the rock is Him. My feet, all the steps I take, are firmly set in Him, on Him. He is my rock.
From the time of my salvation to this very day, He has been my rock. He has been my deliverer and rescuer. And God never changes.
So today, this day He’s given, no matter where I’m at, no matter what storm is here or may sneak up on me, no matter what thoughts may betray me or may need to be taken captive, God is my unchanging, faithful rock. He is my deliverer, my rescuer.
On this day, I will sing a new song to Him. I will sing the song He’s given me. I will sing hope and deliverance. I will sing joy and praise.
He is my rock.
*How are you doing today? How’s your mood? How is God being your rock today?