Thou hast enclosed me behind and before, and laid Thy hand upon me (Psalm 139:5 NASB).
The Lord has hemmed me in. To some, I think, this is a stifling thought, that God has enclosed them. To me, it’s a comfort. It’s freedom. It’s peace. It’s God’s love.
God spoke that word to me once, that He had hemmed me in. I thought about hems then.
Pretty much all clothes need a hem to finish them off nicely. The hem is straight and tight. And if there was anything purposely sewn in, like elastic, it would be stuck, held fast.
And that’s where I am. Stuck and held fast, hemmed in by God. Right where He wants me.

That’s a comfort to me. I don’t want to be anywhere, but where my God wants me, where my God leads, where my God is. I am hemmed into His garment. I am always with Him.
He has enclosed me exactly how and where He wants. And He sees and knows all. He sees the treacherous paths, and He sees the smooth ones. He will carry me on the right paths, hemmed into Him. There’s nothing to fear and nothing to worry about. And there’s nothing stifling about that.