For Thou, O Lord, hast made me glad by what Thou hast done, I will sing for joy at the works of Thy hands (Psalm 92:4 NASB).
You have done amazing things because it’s what You do. It’s who You are.
You have done amazing things in me because it’s what You do. It’s who You are.
On the one hand, I stand amazed and fall on my face before You. And on the other hand, I say, “Of course He did that. What other possibility is there?” Does that sound flippant? Is it irreverent to say that? To expect nothing less of You? Does it sound like I take it lightly?
Or is it reverence? Is it childlike faith?
It’s true, isn’t it? That there’s no other option but for You to have done all the great things You’ve done? I suppose there is another option, for You to leave us alone, but then what kind of communion and relationship would we have? What would be the point of creation at all?
You created me. You created us all. And we, in our full capacity to choose and be disobedient, chose to believe the lie that gaining the knowledge of good and evil was a good idea. But us humans couldn’t handle it. It was too much for us, and You knew it. Hence the directive not to try it out. Maybe it was too much responsibility? Too much power? We don’t do well with too much human power, let alone God power.
At any rate, man, me included, self-destructed. I, in my humanness, self-destructed and continue to do so when I don’t keep my eyes on You, keep my heart and mind on You, stay tucked up under Your wing.
So You being God did what You do. You did an amazing thing and fixed it. You made a way to rescue me from my self-destruction. You are The Way.
And I hide in You, am found in You, am clothed by You.
When I peek out from under Your wing, You turn my head back Your way. When I stick a toe out, You pull me back in. When I wander out to get a good look at my surroundings, and poke around a bit, You gather me in.
It’s what You do. It’s who You are.
You have done amazing things. You have made me glad. And I will sing for joy at the works of Your hands. I will sing for joy at Your works.