Joy is a weapon. The Lord has reminded me of this. Years ago, He spoke it and taught it to me. But He reminded me of it a few days ago by reminding my husband. And I needed the reminder.
Joy is a weapon. This is so incredibly important to know and understand as believers. There is so much power in walking in the joy of the Lord.
There’s power over darkness, there’s power over heaviness, there’s power over the schemes of the enemy.
Walking in the joy of the Lord delights the Lord. Walking in the joy of the Lord gives glory to the Lord. Walking in the joy of the Lord unleashes the victory of the Lord.
I’m not talking about malleable happiness. I’m not talking about the happiness the world says to pursue. I’m talking about the joy of the Lord that transcends happiness or sadness.
There’s nothing necessarily wrong with desiring happiness. Happiness is good, but it can’t be our goal. It comes and goes with circumstances. It’s a feeling. And feelings change.
Our goal, as believers, is Jesus, Christ crucified, the God of all creation.
He wants good things for us, but not at the expense of our identity in Him. This world isn’t lasting, but God is. He must be what we pursue.
And He says to take up our cross and follow Him (Matthew 16:24). He says to lay down our lives. He says to count it joy when we suffer various trials (James 1:2). He says He considered it all joy to deny Himself and endure the cross (Hebrews 12:2). He says the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10).
This is the joy that overcomes even the darkest circumstance.
This is the joy we unleash when we praise the Lord. This is the joy that conquers.
I have every reason to be heartbroken, sad, defeated right now. And I am heartbroken and sad. But I’m not defeated. And I won’t be. The joy of the Lord is my strength.
I will rejoice in the Lord. He is faithful and able to do all things. The battle is the Lord’s. As I stand in this battle, I will rejoice. Joy is my weapon. God’s power and glory will reign.
We must know, as believers, these truths. We must remind each other and be iron sharpening iron.
Joy is a weapon. Go in joy. Walking the joy of the Lord.