I got caught. I did it again. I leaned on the wrong thing. And I didn’t even realize it.
I was listening to someone the other day who, in the midst of his monologue, brought up Proverbs 3:5-6.
It’s one of my favorites. I’ve very often quoted it, admonished others with it, and prayed through it. I know it backwards and forwards.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
When I heard it quoted, in my first breath, I said yes and amen. In my second breath, I knew.
I knew — and I know — that in so many things, things and circumstances that are currently weighing on me, I’ve been leaning on my own understanding. I’ve been trying to figure them out.
It’s not that I don’t trust the Lord with everything. I pray and give it all over to Him — usually. But then something comes up and I try to tackle it myself.
But my God has not called me to tackle it myself. He has not called me to figure everything out. He has not called me to understand before trusting Him.
There’s nothing wrong with understanding. But it comes after trusting. And sometimes it remains elusive. And it’s never what I’m to lean on.
It’s my God who understands all. It’s my God who sees all. It’s my God who is wholly trustworthy.
With all my heart I can trust Him. And He directs my steps. He makes my paths straight. And that doesn’t mean I’ll necessarily understand the step He calls me to take. It doesn’t mean I have to figure things out with my human understanding.
It means that I trust. I listen to Him. I take the step He directs. And He makes the path straight.