Loving Others

My prayer is that all my beliefs would get into my actions. I believe in love, seeing others through Christ’s eyes, and being more concerned with others’ needs than my own. But I get out in public and am self-conscious, self-protective, and focused on me.

I believe in caring for the poor, for those who have nowhere to go, and for those who make bad choices out of their pain. But, when I see them, I judge them, I explain away their needs, and I look the other way.

Why do I say one thing and do another? Jesus, forgive me. Teach me how to see things Your way. I don’t want to be a hypocrite, yet my mind jumps to that place when I’m out in public. And I get stuck there.

Hear O Israel, the Lord Your God is One.
Hear O Israel, the Lord Your God is One.

Is my faith when I’m in my secret place enough? Is my heart crying out to You in my prayer closet enough, Lord? Do I love You like I think I do? If I did, then wouldn’t my heart break for those around me and the lost world and the poor and persecuted when I’m face to face with them and not only in prayer? Is my loving them in prayer enough?

I’m friendly in public — usually. But do I see and respond to others’ needs? Jesus, I want to see people how You see people. I want to love how You love.

I don’t want politics, religion, or any institution to get in my way. I don’t want me and my selfishness to get in my way. Let my actions match my beliefs. I believe in One True God who created and loves people. And He wants me to love people with Him.

“Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:29-31

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