Ministering to the Lord

Now there were at Antioch, in the church that was there, prophets and teachers….

And while they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them. Acts 13:1-2

I read these verses recently and one phrase jumped out at me in a way it never had before. “…They were ministering to the Lord.”

I’ve been chewing on that thought for a while now.

We minister to the Lord.

We talk about being in ministry, and ministering one to another, and the Lord ministering to us.

But rarely do I hear anyone say, myself included, “I was ministering to the Lord.” And if I do hear that or some variation of it, it’s usually connected to some kind of good deed type of action.

And those actions are good and they can bless the Lord.

But in this verse, Acts 13:2, I don’t see that happening. They were ministering to the Lord and fasting. And then the Holy Spirit spoke.

It looks to me like they were worshiping and praying. No “good deeds”, just pure, unhindered worship, prayer, seeking the Lord, coming before Him.

And that ministered to the Lord. It still does. My worship ministers to my God.

Psalm 95:1
Psalm 95:1

Wow. When I’ve been ministered to, it feels good. It makes me feel warm. It shows me that I’m important, I matter, I’m loved.

Is that how God feels when I worship? When I come before Him with praise? When I pray? Wow.

Let me minister to the Lord. I want to do that. I want to bless God. I want to worship Him.

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