The Lord is the help and shield of Israel, His chosen (Psalm 115:9). I’m chosen by God too (1 Peter 2:9). So that’s me. He’s my help and shield.
The Lord is the help and shield of the house of Aaron, the priests (Psalm 115:10). I am of a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). So that’s me too. He’s my help and shield.
The Lord is the help and shield of those who fear Him (Psalm 115:11). Again, me. He’s my help and shield.
Three times in this one Psalm, from every angle, I’m told He’s my help and shield. Three times is not something to argue with. He’s my help. He’s my shield. He gets me through, gives me strength, makes a way. He covers me, guards me, protects me.
And in these three times, I’m called upon to trust Him. To believe that He is able to be my help and shield. That He’s strong enough, reliable enough, and true enough.
And four times, I’m told He will bless me (Psalm 115:12-13).
Okay Lord, bring it on. You are my help and shield. I say yes to You. I give You everything. I trust You. Bless me now, me and my children. Give us increase, Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 115:14-15)
The heavens and all authority are Yours.
I will bless You for now and evermore. I will praise You.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! (Psalm 150:6)