Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice! This is the word of the Lord today. Do not forget the goodness of God. Do not, in the midst of trial and hardship, stress and disease, forget the goodness of God.

For God is good and He is a refuge in times of trial. He is our refuge. So rejoice in the Lord. He will make us glad. He has made us glad. We may not feel it. We may not see it right now. But that doesn’t change the truth.
Our God is a mighty God and that’s something to rejoice about. Our God is a God of hope and that’s something to rejoice about. Our God is a God of restoration and that’s something to rejoice about. Our God is a strong tower and a hiding place and that’s something to rejoice about. Our God is alive and that’s something to rejoice about.
Pick one and proclaim it today. Rejoice in the Lord today. And do it again tomorrow. And the next day, and the next. And don’t stop. Because it’s true. Do not forget the goodness of God. Shout it from the rooftops. Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I say REJOICE!