O Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; Let us shout joyfully…Let us come…with thanksgiving…For the Lord is a great God. (Psalm 95:1-3 NASB)
Just because He’s a great God, we praise and shout joyfully. Just because He’s great. I love this Psalm.
There’s nothing complicated here. Nothing I need to figure out. I don’t have to think about all my circumstances or about all I need. I don’t have to keep track of all my blessings or diligently count off each thing I’m thankful for.
I simply sing and shout and proclaim that He is great.
Just because.
He made everything and everything is in His hands. The mountains, the sea, the depths of the earth, the land, and me.
I am firmly in His hands. No decent shepherd lets a sheep go. And He is a good shepherd, the best shepherd, a shepherd who doesn’t make mistakes.
The Lord is a great God.
And I am the sheep of His hand (Psalm 95:7).
I bow down, worship, and enter His rest. I sing and shout and proclaim that He is great.
I hear His voice, I give Him my heart, I say He is great.
He is the great King over all gods. He is my Lord and a great God.
I come, I come and sing for joy. I shout joyfully to my great God.
Because He is great.