I woke up the other morning overwhelmed, a little frenzied, a bit stressed. So much on my plate. The Lord said, “Rest.” It was a single word, quite literally a “word” from the Lord. “Rest.” I didn’t write that day. That’s why I’m writing about it now. I sat in my chair and felt the…
Posts Tagged with God my strength
It’s not up to me. I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustains me (Psalm 3:5). The Lord sustains me. Even in a simple thing like waking up, the Lord sustains me. Life keeps picking up speed. Worries of this world abound. “Will I have time for everything?” And, “I don’t have…
Mourning and Hope
This is a hard post to write. In fact, for the last few weeks, any posts have been hard to write and I’ve actually missed publishing a few. My sister went to be with Jesus recently. She’s the one who I dedicated a post to back in 2020 on her birthday, January 21. I miss…
I Want My Eyes on Jesus
For my eyes are toward Thee, O God, the Lord; in Thee I take refuge (Psalm 141:8 NASB). I come before the Lord and give Him everything. I give Him all that I am and rest in Him. He is my refuge, my hiding place, my strong tower, my defender and defense. May my eyes…
My Help, My Shield
The Lord is the help and shield of Israel, His chosen (Psalm 115:9). I’m chosen by God too (1 Peter 2:9). So that’s me. He’s my help and shield. The Lord is the help and shield of the house of Aaron, the priests (Psalm 115:10). I am of a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). So…
He Will Fight For Me
I have no fight in me. Jesus, I need You to fight for me. You are my sword. Fight for me. And here we are again. Shout joyfully to the Lord (Psalm 100:1). Serve the Lord with gladness (Psalm 100:2). He’s in charge. He’s in control. He’s got everything covered. I can shout joyfully because…
We’re All Different
We’re all different. Some weird, some normal, some well-liked, some disliked. Just all different. All trying to do it right and be accepted, be in the in-crowd wherever we find ourselves. But we’re all different and unique. Who can say why one person can tell a joke and everyone laughs, says he or she is…
Sing for Joy
I want to walk in joy today. I don’t want to be irritable and angry and frustrated. And the answer is…Sing for joy to God our strength; Shout joyfully to the God of Jacob (Psalm 81:1 NASB). Thank You, Father. I will sing. I will sing loud and with conviction. I will sing with joy.…