In Numbers 22-24, Balak comes to Balaam and asks him to curse Israel. Three times Balak comes to Balaam. And each time, Balaam blesses Israel rather than curses them. Balak was not happy. The thing is, Balaam had let Balak know upfront that he could only say what the Lord told him to say. Balak…
Posts Tagged with God’s Way
To Be in The House of The Lord
But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house, at Your holy temple I will bow in reverence for You. O Lord, lead me in Your righteousness because of my foes…. (Psalm 5:7-8) It’s the place I want to be, the house of the Lord (Psalm 5:7). I want to be…
God Reigns: How Do I Respond?
I know God reigns. He reigns over all, the heavens, the earth, and me. I can harden my heart and rage against Him, or I can worship Him with reverence and praise Him with trembling. What will I do? I long for the Lord, and I long for His ways. My only choice is to…
Who Reigns In My Life?
Psalm 2 starts out with the rulers of the nations raging against God. They don’t want His rule. They don’t want to be restrained by God. They want to “…cast away their [the Lord’s and His Anointed’s] cords…” (Psalm 2:2). They don’t want God’s ways. And they don’t want to submit to the Lord. (Psalm…
A Holy Life
What does it mean to be holy? It’s a question that’s come my way a lot recently. I’ve always just had it in my mind that it means to be like Jesus. It means to be Godly. It means to be pure. I think those things are certainly accurate. But I feel like, for me,…
Making Mistakes and Following God
I’m going to make mistakes. We all make mistakes. I don’t like making mistakes, and if you’re anything like me, you don’t either. I don’t like the consequences. I don’t like finding out that I hurt someone. It hurts. And truth be told, it’s humiliating. Can you relate? With so many of the mistakes I…
Created to Worship
“The people are bringing much more than enough for the construction work which the Lord commanded us to perform (Exodus 36:5).” Out in the desert, as Moses led the Israelites at God’s direction, he called on the skilled workers to build the temple so the people could worship. The people were to bring all the…
God Still Loves Me
God still loves me. No matter what I do or don’t do, He still loves me. God so loved the world. He took the first step. He didn’t wait for me to come to Him. He came to me. While I was still a sinner. He came to me first. He came to me when…
Joy Is A Weapon
Joy is a weapon. The Lord has reminded me of this. Years ago, He spoke it and taught it to me. But He reminded me of it a few days ago by reminding my husband. And I needed the reminder. Joy is a weapon. This is so incredibly important to know and understand as believers.…
Chosen, Royal, Holy, God’s Very Own
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). A royal priesthood. It’s been on my mind since I mentioned it in a recent…