I like to talk about joy a lot. But I don’t think we can ever talk about it too much as we walk by faith in this world. Jesus is my joy. He is my salvation. The joy of the Lord is fellowship with Him. Jesus is where my joy comes from. In this world,…
Posts Tagged with Jesus is the answer
Taking Refuge
But let all who take refuge in You be glad, let them ever sing for joy;and may You shelter them, that those who love Your name may exult in You (Psalm 5:11). Let me be glad. Let me sing for joy. I take refuge in the Lord. It’s what I proclaim; it’s what I preach. The Lord is my refuge.…
The Full Armor of God
We are not alone. Our God is a powerful God. He is at work for us always, guarding us and tending us, His sheep. We understand that this world is a tough place and we need God. We need Jesus, who has gone before us and secured victory. It’s easy to know and see that…
Lusts of the Flesh
Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest (Ephesians 2:3). Paul’s talking about himself here. He’s talking to Gentiles who never had the Law and worshipped idols and were…
Why Keep Sinning?
Do you think all Israel was happy or relieved when Jezebel died? I guess I’ve always seen it that way. She was a wicked woman who commanded King Ahab and encouraged him to do evil. She had prophets of Baal at her disposal and used them. Baal worship was not a good thing. I mean,…
Seek Jesus
Jesus is my only hope. He is the way of life. He is the way of love. Where else can I go? If I seek the ways of the world — fame, money, education, admiration — I may for a season be satisfied. I may enjoy the fruits of my labors, the accolades of man,…
My Need, Right Now
Now is the time. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but right now. Now is the time to praise You. Now is the time I need You. I cry out to You, Lord, and call on You. My needs are great. There is nowhere else for me to go, no one else for me to seek. There…