At the command of the Lord they camped, and at the command of the Lord they set out; they kept the Lord’s charge, according to the command of the Lord through Moses (Numbers 9:23). At the command of the Lord. That phrase grabbed me as I read this verse. We, as Christians, move at the…
Posts Tagged with Keep My Eyes on Jesus
What Is My Delight?
How blessed is the man…[whose] delight is in the law of the Lord (Psalm 1:1-2). Let me delight in You, Lord. There’s so little in this world that offers lasting pleasure. But You, Lord, remain. For a little while hobbies or activities or entertainment bring happy times and moments, but they don’t last. Eventually, boredom,…
The Full Armor of God
We are not alone. Our God is a powerful God. He is at work for us always, guarding us and tending us, His sheep. We understand that this world is a tough place and we need God. We need Jesus, who has gone before us and secured victory. It’s easy to know and see that…
Why Keep Sinning?
Do you think all Israel was happy or relieved when Jezebel died? I guess I’ve always seen it that way. She was a wicked woman who commanded King Ahab and encouraged him to do evil. She had prophets of Baal at her disposal and used them. Baal worship was not a good thing. I mean,…
Get Behind Me, Satan: What Did Jesus Mean?
“Get behind me, Satan, for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s (Mark 8:33).” I think the essence of what Jesus was saying is that Peter wanted a kingdom, not reconciliation of the lost. God’s interests are sacrifice and reconciliation in the spirit. And in the eternal. Man’s interests are glory,…
Waiting and Praising
I’m a little frustrated right now. Frustrated with waiting. It’s hard to praise the Lord in a season of waiting, yet that’s all there is to do right now. And it’s hard to connect with Him when I can’t get my mind off the wondering how this season will end. I’m waiting for one thing…
Come Away With Jesus
My beloved responded and said to me, “Arise my darling, my beautiful one, and come along.” (Song of Songs 2:10 NASB) My beloved, my Jesus, my savior, my friend. He calls to me. He invites me to come away with Him. And where will we go? We will flee to the mountains, the cleft of…
How Do I Live?
God has created the heavens and the earth. He’s created me to live here, on this earth, with its trees and hills and rivers, mountains, and valleys. Why? I’m not the first person to ask this question, and I won’t be the last. And I know there are countless answers. Some good, some not so…
How Will I Live Today?
This is a day the Lord has made. And He’s given it to me. What will this day hold? Where will I be at the end of this day? How will I start it? Will I walk in praise? Will I keep my eyes on Jesus? Will I lament my trials? Will I choose joy,…
How To Be Wise
What is wise counsel? What does it mean? It’s pretty important. That I know. …A man of understanding will acquire wise counsel to understand a proverb and a figure, the words of the wise and their riddles (Proverbs 1:5b-6 NASB). Here’s a riddle. The proverbs are given for wise counsel. The proverbs are wise counsel.…