I am a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). I lay down my life. I lose it. That’s a sacrifice of righteousness. Everything I am and all my hopes and dreams in this world, I lay down at the feet of Jesus. God created this world, so any of my hopes and dreams and plans for the…
Posts Tagged with surrender
Willing Sacrifice
Willingly, I will sacrifice to Thee; I will give thanks to Thy name, Lord, for it is good (Psalm 54:6). The word “willingly” here makes me think that there’s a way to sacrifice to the Lord unwillingly. And it makes me think David knew and saw others sacrificing unwillingly since he made the distinction that…
Lucy Living
“Oooh,” Lucy exclaimed at her computer screen. She clicked “Add to Cart” and scrolled down. “Oh, I like that,” she said, leaning in for a closer look. Roger ambled to her side. Resting his gnarled hand on her shoulder, he asked, “How’s it going?” Lucy smiled up at him and patted his hand, “Good.” “It’s…
Psalms of Vengeance
I just read Psalm 58. Psalms like these are tricky. When I see the fervor with which vengeance is desired and that the righteous “will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked,” I recoil on the one hand. On the other, in that place in my heart that I generally shove away and…
Sustain Me
Sustain me with a willing spirit. (Psalm 51:12 NASB) I know You sustain me. I know this because I would not be here otherwise. You’ve sustained me through everything – good and bad. My problem seems to be with the willing spirit part. On the one hand, I’m the one who said, “Whatever it takes,…