Oh, that Thou wouldst rend the heavens and come down…(Isaiah 64:1). Yes, Lord, come down. Make Your presence known. I’ve been waiting a long time. I’ve prayed this verse many times. I know the Lord is with me. Though sometimes, it doesn’t feel like it. Yet, I’m still waiting. I’m waiting for the Lord to…
Posts Tagged with waiting
Waiting Is Hard
Waiting is hard. It’s when I know something is coming. I know something is about to happen, or get answered one way or another. It’ll either be a no or a yes. It’ll be this way or that way. Waiting means an answer is coming. Meanwhile, waiting means…waiting. And it’s hard. If I knew the…
O Lord, be gracious to us, we have waited for Thee (Isaiah 33:2). Waiting is hard. Any way you look at it. I’ve waited for ten babies, through ten pregnancies. And through each, I knew what I was waiting for. A baby. And sure enough, a baby was born each time. No surprise there. Yet…
When There’s Nothing Left
He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber (Psalm 121: NASB). I am struggling today. I’m looking up, seeking help from You, crying out to You. Hearing nothing. Getting no answers. I sort of sense You here with me, but sort of feel a bit in the dark.…
What God Does is Good
I will give Thee thanks forever, because Thou hast done it, And I will wait on Your name, for it is good. (Psalm 52:9 NASB) I know You have done this, brought us this far. Brought us to this place. So much is good. So much amazes and thrills me. Yet so much is a…
Give ear to my prayer…I am restless in my complaint and distracted. (Psalm 55:1,2 NASB) I am so desperate for an answer. I have prayed and prayed and thanked and rejoiced for little answers along the way. But the bigger picture eludes me. I’m still waiting. And the ups and downs are exhausting. Some days,…