Who is like the wise man who knows the interpretation of a matter? (Ecclesiastes 8:1) God is all wise. None of us are like Him. No matter how wise we are, He is wiser. He knows all things, He interprets all things, He understands all things. I like to think I understand quite a bit.…
Posts Tagged with wisdom
Fear God, Know Wisdom
There’s so much in the Proverbs, so many specifics and words that pierce into the details of life. It can get overwhelming for me. I read it, and verses speak to me, but so many I read without fully taking in. Yet one thing comes to me every time, with every reading, whether a few…
Me Being A Fool
Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is counted prudent (Proverbs 17:28 NASB). I’ve always liked this verse. I quote it often. To myself. How many times have I opened my mouth to say something clever or funny or smart and come away feeling like an…
How To Be Wise
What is wise counsel? What does it mean? It’s pretty important. That I know. …A man of understanding will acquire wise counsel to understand a proverb and a figure, the words of the wise and their riddles (Proverbs 1:5b-6 NASB). Here’s a riddle. The proverbs are given for wise counsel. The proverbs are wise counsel.…