I asked the Lord for a word from Him for those reading my blog. He spoke, and as He did, I realized He was speaking to me. This word He was blessing me with was a word for me.
So I spent some time taking it in, meditating on it, pondering what He’s saying here. And as I did so, I felt that, yes, it was for me, but also it’s for at least one of my readers out there.
This is for you, from our Lord.
![John 15:4](https://cyndyhunter.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/2021-10-26-The-Lord-Loves-You-Remain-in-Him1.jpg)
“I have loved you with an everlasting love. You puzzle and struggle over many things, but do not forget that I have loved you. I created you exactly who you are. And I have provided for you everything you need to walk in My ways.
There is nothing lacking in you. I am with you. You will accomplish all that I have created you to do. Do not be afraid. Remain in Me. Let My words remain in you. You will not fail Me — you can not fail Me — as you remain in Me.
Do not let your heart be troubled. I have not left you without the Comforter. Listen to Me. Obey Me. Trust Me. Believe Me.
I have not forgotten you. Do not forget that I am your Creator. I made you who you are. Do not forget I have created you and it is enough. You can do no more for Me. I will accomplish My will through you. Remain in Me and I will remain in you.”
May our Lord bless you and keep you and give you peace. Take it all to Him. He is good.