The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice…(Ps. 97:1). That pretty much says it all. Plain and simple.
God reigns. End of story. He’s in charge. He created everything. He’s Lord over everything.
And the earth should rejoice. I should rejoice. Again, a simple statement. No wiggle room there.
I don’t have to wonder what God means by that. I don’t have to wonder how I can get that done today. I don’t have to wonder if I can do it.
God reigns. He’s got everything covered.
God reigns and I rejoice. The earth rejoices. The rocks, the trees, the lands, the sea. Let the earth rejoice.
Let me rejoice.
He’s righteous and just (Ps. 97:2).
And I rejoice.
I rejoice as I rise, as I fall, as I work, as I play, as I rest. I rejoice.

He is good. I say He is my God. I say, “Praise the Lord.” I say, “Thank You for this day, this moment.”
He is righteous and just. He’s not a God who changes. He ‘s not a capricious God. He knows right from wrong and doesn’t alter.
I can rest in Him. I can trust Him. I can know Him.
And that makes me rejoice. That’s something to rejoice about.
Be glad in the Lord, you righteous ones, and give thanks to His holy name (Ps. 97:12 NASB).