The Word I Treasure

Keep my words and treasure my commandments within you (Proverbs 7:1 NASB),” the father says to the son. And my Lord says to me.

Jesus is the Word (John 1:1,14), and it’s Him I treasure.

Jesus is the word I keep within me. It’s His commandments I listen for. It’s His words I seek.

Garden picture with Keep His words. Treasure His commandments.

He loves me and I love Him and there’s nowhere I’d rather be than at His feet, listening, treasuring, resting.

Garden picture with Keep His words. Treasure His commandments.

It’s at His feet that I hear His words, His words of life.

And by hearing, I can receive. By hearing from Him, I can know.

It’s His words alone that give me life. It’s His words that define who He is. It’s His words that reveal His commandments, the commandments He tells me to treasure.

And His commandments are to walk in His ways, to love the Lord my God with all my soul, all my mind, all my strength.

May I not be enticed by the ways of this world. May I not be enticed by the laws of man, by teachers, leaders, or rulers.

Let what I treasure be the Word of life. Let me keep Jesus within me. Let me fear God, seek Him more than knowledge, knowing the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).

I will wait on Him and He will come. He gives me life, through Him, the Word I treasure.

He is my Lord. He is my way. He is my life.

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