For Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen…to rebel against His glorious presence (Isaiah 3:8 NASB).
I pray that I will not rebel against God’s glorious presence. He is here. And He is with me. It’s His presence I’ve sought and asked for. He’s made it known, sometimes very profoundly, sometimes subtly. And it is glorious.
May I never take His presence for granted. May I never rebel against it. My I receive His glorious presence with joy. May I receive it with joy in all circumstances, trials, and doubts. His presence is here. He remains.
One thing I ask, this is what I seek, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 27:4). It’s what I’ve prayed for years. It’s what my heart has cried out for and still longs for. It’s my desire, to dwell in His house.
And His house is not built with hands (2 Corinthians 5:1). His house is of the Spirit. And His presence dwells in His house. I want to dwell with Him.
So I say it again. Let me not rebel against His glorious presence. No matter what this world, this earthly life, throws at me, offers me, tempts me with, let me not rebel against His glorious presence.
Lord, You have given Your presence to me. Let me receive it. One thing I ask is to dwell in Your house, where You dwell. And that thing, You’ve answered. Bless Your Name.