How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! (Psalm 84:1 NASB)
It is good to dwell in Your house, Lord. To rest in You. To praise You and let You minister to me.
There is always so much going on, so many things to do, so much demanding my attention.
But You give me peace. It’s all in Your hands. And I so easily forget.
I so easily get caught up in my responsibilities that I forget that You’re the One who gave them to me. And Your way is peace. Your way is full of life. Your way is full of love.
And yet I run around like the proverbial chicken with its head cut off trying to get everything done, like it’s all up to me.
Yes, my days are full. Yes, there’s a lot to do. Yes, I only have twenty-four hours a day and a third of that is for sleep – or should be.
You’re the One who made the day. You’re the One who fills it. You’re the One who directs my steps.
So I give it all to You, my days, my tasks, my steps.
If I don’t get everything done that I think should be done, then I trust that You have different plans for me. You are Lord of my days and times.
If I feel frenzied as I go about my day, then I come to You, praise You, proclaim that You are able, and I trade in my frenzy for Your peace.
And today, Lord, before I get too far into it, I bring You all my plans, all my ideas, all the things I think should be done. And I give it all to You.
Order my day, renew my mind, and show me Your face.
Let me dwell on You, Jesus. Let me dwell in you and You in me. Let me walk in your love and be known by it.
My soul longs and yearns for You courts (Ps. 84:2).
You are my sun and shield. You give me grace and glory. (Ps. 84:11) You give me peace.
I will sing for joy and praise Your Name (Ps. 84:2).