His lovingkindness is everlasting. It never ends.
He answers me and is for me. The Lord answers me and is for me. You answer me and are for me.
You help me and are my refuge. I can rest in You. My trust is placed in You.
You are my strength. You are my song. And to You, I sing.
I sing joyfully. Of You, Your salvation, Your love. I exalt Your Name above all names. Jesus, You give me life. You are righteous. And through You, I enter in.
I enter the gates of righteousness and I give You thanks. You are my salvation.
This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous will enter through it (Psalm 118:20 NASB).
You are my gate, You are my Lord, You are my righteousness, You are my salvation.
You are the chief cornerstone and my life is built on You. You are life and You have done it.
Today, I rejoice. I rejoice in You. You are the day, the light, the way.
I need rest and You have bought it. I need rest, and You have won it. I need rest, and You give it. It’s Yours, and You give it to me.
You say, “Enter in.” And I say, how, Lord?
You say, “Rest in me. I have won it. For you.”
And You have, I know it. I proclaim it. I sing of it. I say thank You. I praise You.
Then I know. This is how I enter in. I don’t feel it, but I know it. And because I know it, I step out in it. I step out by faith. I sing, shout, thank You, and praise You. And I enter Your courts, through Your gate of righteousness. And I enter Your rest.
Today, I rejoice. I rejoice in You. I trust in You. You are my refuge. You are my help. You are for me and You answer me. You give me rest.
I give You thanks, for You are good. Your lovingkindness never ends.