Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord with all my heart. Oh, that I would trust my God.

Lord, that I would trust You, that You are leading me.

My life may look quite different from those around me. It may look quite different from those in and of the world. It may look quite different from Christians I respect, from those who I deem are “doing it right”.

But the Lord says, “Do not fear.” He says, “Trust in Me.”

I should not fear when a man grows rich, when things go right for others. I can not fear that I’m doing it wrong.

Psalm 3:5 on a thunderstorm over a farm
Psalm 3:5 on a thunderstorm over a farm

The Lord says to trust in Him with all my heart.

This life is temporary. Rich and poor, those doing everything right and those doing it wrong, those wise in the eyes of the world and those foolish in the eyes of the world will all perish.

The Lord knows this. He directs my steps. It’s Him I’m called to trust in, not what looks good or right to me here on earth.

God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. I cannot judge myself or my walk with Him according to the wisdom of the world or the world’s measures of success.

Do not fear when a man grows rich or has success (Psalm 49:16).

Trust in the Lord with all my heart.

He is all I need. He directs my steps. He is the One who judges me. He is my standard.

Praise the Lord.

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