Which Way is Which?

We have one life to live on this earth. In it, we will choose the path of life or the path that leads to destruction. So, which is which?

There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death (Proverbs 14:12 & 16:25 NASB).

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).

If the path that seems right to man leads to death, then Jesus, who is life must not seem right to man.

Right? Jesus is the life. He said so. The end of following Him is not death. That happens at the end of the path that seems right to man.

So, can I say that the path that seems wrong to man leads to life? Can I say that the path that seems wrong to man is Jesus?

If that’s the case, what does that mean for me, a follower of Jesus?

Apparently, that means that the path I’m on will seem wrong to man. It will seem wrong to me.

Will it always seem wrong to me? No. It will seem wrong when my eyes turn off Jesus. It will seem wrong when my heart is tempted by the comforts of this world, to make my own way, to fight for my own rights.

I am in the world, but not of it (John 15:19, 17:14-16). And sometimes the world gets really loud, really bright and pretty, really distracting.

It’s in direct contrast to the path of life that says to deny myself and take up my cross.

Picture with the scripture Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

And now for the irony. The way of the world, while looking good, catering to me, my wants, my desires, telling me I can have everything I really need, leads to death.

Picture with the scripture Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

The way of Jesus, while looking a little unpleasant, telling me I can’t have everything I want, I can’t have everything that’s pleasing to the eye, warning me off of making my own success, making my dreams come true, leads to life.

Jesus knows that giving me everything I want is not a good idea. Ask any parent if kids should get everything they want. Jesus knows our Father in heaven sees all and knows all and is all that I truly need.

The world is temporal. He is eternal. The world is physical, able to be destroyed. Dust to dust. He is spiritual, the Creator of the world. Life forever.

I choose the path of life. I choose to let Him show me His way through my time on earth, to let Him show me joy and peace and goodness. And if it doesn’t seem right to those of this world, then maybe that’s not such a bad thing. It it doesn’t feel so great to my flesh, then maybe that’s okay.

If I share in the sufferings of Christ, then maybe I’ll rejoice.

I have one life. Let my years not be given to the cruel one (Proverbs 5:9).

I will drink from my own cistern, fresh water from the Giver of life, the Giver of living water (Proverbs 5:15).

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

*Have you chosen to follow the path of life? Does it sometimes seem wrong to you? Me too. But always remember He is the only Giver of life.

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