Willingly, I will sacrifice to Thee; I will give thanks to Thy name, Lord, for it is good (Psalm 54:6).
The word “willingly” here makes me think that there’s a way to sacrifice to the Lord unwillingly. And it makes me think David knew and saw others sacrificing unwillingly since he made the distinction that he would willingly sacrifice.
Yes, sacrifice can be done by rote, by obligation, for appearances. And sacrifice can be done willingly, by hope, by joy, by humility, by love.

I sacrifice my life, my dreams, my goals, my desires. I sacrifice them to the Lord by hope for things to come in this life and the next. I sacrifice them by joy that’s set before me — joy in fellowship with my Creator. I sacrifice them by humility that He will lift me up in due season. I sacrifice them by love for my God who loves me and sacrificed for me and sings over me.
And I sing. I bring a sacrifice of praise, entering into His presence. Willingly, I sacrifice and give thanks. For the Lord’s name is good.