You, Lord, are my deliverer. You deliver me out of all calamity. You deliver me out of all troubles and trials.
I know there are seasons. I know there are ups and downs. I know that You alone remain through it all.
And You know I wonder, how long will this last, Lord? How will You get me out of this one? What do You have up Your sleeve this time?
I used to wonder if You’d get me out of it and if You had anything up Your sleeve. I’d wonder if You’d rescue me. And if I had messed up, would You leave me to the consequences?
But You’ve delivered me too many times. You’ve delivered me every time. And every time I’ve seen Your answer, I’ve seen Your wisdom in the timing. I’ve seen Your hand move. I’ve seen Your faithfulness. And Your deliverance.
And You’ve done it over and over and over again.
So, yes, I say when You deliver, not if. And I can say, “What’ll it be this time?”, not “Will You do it this time?”
Because You are my deliverer. Because I have made You, the Most High, my dwelling place (Psalm 91:9).
You are where I dwell. You are where I live. You are where I long to be.
And You deliver me, because You are my deliverer. You are a deliverer. It’s what You do.
Even when I stumble and doubt that You’ll answer this time or that time or the next time, You deliver me.
Let me say when, let me ask how, and let me watch in wonder as You deliver me again and again and again.
You are my refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust! For it is You who delivers me…. (Psalm 91:2-3a)
October 1, 2019 at 11:10 am
This warmed my soul.
October 21, 2019 at 10:48 pm
Thank you for sharing with me. It’s an encouragement to hear! God is good!