In Numbers 22-24, Balak comes to Balaam and asks him to curse Israel. Three times Balak comes to Balaam. And each time, Balaam blesses Israel rather than curses them. Balak was not happy. The thing is, Balaam had let Balak know upfront that he could only say what the Lord told him to say. Balak…
Articles by Cyndy
In The Wilderness
The Israelites complained all through the desert wilderness where God led them after they had spied out the Promised Land, the land God had said was theirs, the land they had left Egypt for. The Promised Land was an amazing, beautiful, rich land, but the Israelites didn’t trust the Lord that He was able to…
To Be in The House of The Lord
But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house, at Your holy temple I will bow in reverence for You. O Lord, lead me in Your righteousness because of my foes…. (Psalm 5:7-8) It’s the place I want to be, the house of the Lord (Psalm 5:7). I want to be…
At The Command of The Lord
At the command of the Lord they camped, and at the command of the Lord they set out; they kept the Lord’s charge, according to the command of the Lord through Moses (Numbers 9:23). At the command of the Lord. That phrase grabbed me as I read this verse. We, as Christians, move at the…
A Sacrifice of Righteousness
I am a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). I lay down my life. I lose it. That’s a sacrifice of righteousness. Everything I am and all my hopes and dreams in this world, I lay down at the feet of Jesus. God created this world, so any of my hopes and dreams and plans for the…
The Lord, Our Shield
But You, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and the One who lifts my head (Psalm 3:3). The Lord is my shield, my covering, my protection, no matter what comes my way. He is that for us, His children and bride. Whether it’s people or false accusers, He is our shield. Whether it’s…
God Reigns: How Do I Respond?
I know God reigns. He reigns over all, the heavens, the earth, and me. I can harden my heart and rage against Him, or I can worship Him with reverence and praise Him with trembling. What will I do? I long for the Lord, and I long for His ways. My only choice is to…
Who Reigns In My Life?
Psalm 2 starts out with the rulers of the nations raging against God. They don’t want His rule. They don’t want to be restrained by God. They want to “…cast away their [the Lord’s and His Anointed’s] cords…” (Psalm 2:2). They don’t want God’s ways. And they don’t want to submit to the Lord. (Psalm…
What Is My Delight?
How blessed is the man…[whose] delight is in the law of the Lord (Psalm 1:1-2). Let me delight in You, Lord. There’s so little in this world that offers lasting pleasure. But You, Lord, remain. For a little while hobbies or activities or entertainment bring happy times and moments, but they don’t last. Eventually, boredom,…
God’s Presence in Our Lives Part 2
After my last post, I have to ask, are you knowing God’s presence? Or are you feeling it? Either way, God is present. I know this to be true, but still, after I hit publish last time, my thoughts continued dwelling on so many questions about God’s presence in our lives. Is there a difference…